Lab's Team

Mateo Aguado Caso

Postdoctoral researcher

I have a degree in Biology and a PhD in Ecology. From the integrative framework of Sustainability Sciences, I carry out interdisciplinary research on the sociocultural and ecological dimensions of the transition towards sustainability, exploring how ecosystems improve well-being and how it is affected by changes in the biosphere derived from human activities. I am currently a researcher at FUHEM Ecosocial and participate as a professor in several master's and diploma courses.

Paloma Alcorlo Pagés

Associate professor

My research activity focuses on studying the effect of invasive species on the structure and functioning of Mediterranean aquatic ecosystems. I am currently working on three lines of research, the first related to the description of food webs in wetlands and extreme saline ecosystems using stable isotopes, the second is related to the analysis of the effect of fishing on food webs, and the third in the study of the impact of land use changes on the aquatic biodiversity of temporary aquatic ecosystems.

Javier Benayas del Álamo

Full professor

My main lines of research focus on the design and evaluation of environmental education and communication programs; landscape perception; management of public use and tourism in natural spaces; the analysis of human and tourism impacts in Antarctica; urban ecology and sustainable management of universities. I have been Vice-Rector of Campus and Environmental Quality of the UAM and promoted the creation of the working group on Environment and Sustainability of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE), of which I have been its executive secretary.

Miguel Faucha Museo

Research support technician

I work on the analysis of the impact of recreational, tourist and sports activities on biodiversity and ecosystems, currently focused on the study of the effects of mountain running and mountain biking in the different biogeographic regions of Spain. . More broadly, my concerns and training also extend to the field of agroecology, the sustainability of socio-ecosystems and agricultural production, and food sovereignty.

Marina García Llorente

Associate professor

My interest and commitment focuses on developing applied and participatory research projects that address the sustainability of socioecological systems and that bring together and reconnect nature and society. Currently, I am working on how agroecology can contribute to territorial management through the conservation of biodiversity, ecosystem services and the social and economic viability of agroecosystems. I reflect transversally on the integration of the gender perspective in academia.

José A. González nóvoa

Associate professor

My main interest focuses on the study of resilience in complex socio-ecological systems and the development of adaptive co-management models applicable to these systems. Nature-society links and the evaluation of ecosystem services, as well as the analysis of development cooperation policies and North-South relations from a socio-ecological perspective, are also fields in which I have been working in recent years. years.

Inés Gutiérrez Briceño

Predoctoral researcher

My main interest focuses on agroecosystems and the people and traditional knowledge that contribute to their preservation. My thesis focuses on analyzing the agroecological transition in the horticultural sector and on the design of agro-environmental measures that promote this process. In addition, we use participatory methodologies that ensure that our research has an impact and is of practical use in our territory.

Violeta Hevia

Assistant Professor

My main interests focus on the study of the links between changes in land use, diversity (taxonomic and functional) and the supply of ecosystem services in different Mediterranean socio-ecological systems.

César A. López Santiago

Associate professor - UAM Sustainability Office Director

How to overcome the omens of collapse and avoid disenchantment? How can we find meaning in our lives on a finite but immensely beautiful planet? How to enjoy that beauty by sharing it without hoarding or destroying it? How can we learn from those who guard the earth and treasure the secret of frugality? How can we regain respect for ourselves by building living agroecological territories and communities happy to cultivate their land? I work together with my dear colleagues looking for pragmatic solutions to these issues.

Ana Márquez Barrenechea

Predoctoral researcherFPI-UAM

My main interest is focused on the reconciliation of natural and anthropic rhythms, aiming to move towards a more coherent future. My thesis addresses how agroecology can have a positive impact on biodiversity conservation, both through agroecological practices and considering the management of the surrounding landscape. In my research, I try to integrate approaches from social, natural and agricultural sciences, together with spatial analysis tools.

Carlos Montes del Olmo

Full professor

I am a University Professor in the Department of Ecology of the Autonomous University of Madrid, of which I have been its Director for 12 years. My current research focuses on the socio-ecological nature-society interface, to be able to understand and manage the complex relationships between ecosystems and society in the face of the challenges associated with Global Change.

Paula Solascasas

Predoctoral researcher

My main interest focuses on the study of the ecology of temperate grasslands, as well as their ecological restoration through traditional management techniques such as extensive livestock farming and transhumance. My doctoral thesis addresses the evaluation of the state of conservation of the livestock trails included within the Life Cañadas Project (2019-2024), through indicators that reflect both the ecological state of the edaphic ecosystem and the biodiversity associated with this network of natural corridors. .

Beatriz Vizuete

Predoctoral researcher FPI-UAM

My main interest focuses on the study of returning to the countryside in Spain from a socio-ecological point of view. My doctoral thesis focuses on the contribution of the neo-rural phenomenon and the new peasantry to agroecological transitions. In my research I integrate approaches from the natural and social sciences, as well as the gender perspective in a transversal way.

Origins and history

The Social-Ecological Systems Laboratory was founded in 2005 by Carlos Montes del Olmo, as an interdisciplinary research group, a pioneer in Spain in the exploration of the social-ecological challenges derived from global change and in the development of innovative solutions to address them.

The Laboratory was born from the shared passion of a group of researchers to understand the complex relationships between society and nature. We realized that to address these challenges effectively, we needed an interdisciplinary approach, so we came together with the vision of creating a space where different disciplines could converge, and innovative solutions emerged.

Since our inception, we have been committed to generating scientific knowledge and promoting sustainable practices. Over the years, we have worked on a wide variety of research projects, focused on topics such as the conservation of biodiversity, the management of the drivers of global change or the social-ecological planning of the territory. In these years we have established solid collaborations with academic institutions, NGOs and government agencies, both nationally and internationally. These associations have enriched us and have allowed our research to be translated into concrete policies and practices.

In addition, we have had the privilege of training numerous students and researchers in the interdisciplinary approach necessary to address the social-ecological challenges posed by global change and the transition towards sustainability.