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Speak4Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches on Ecological Justice

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The complexity of today’s ecological challenges requires developing new methods to understand the way we interact with the environment and eradicate the anachronistic conception of nature centered on human beings. Scientists, governments and regulators are asked to create a “justice” capable of reformulating the concept of nature as an active actor, in line with the notion of Ecological Justice. With a consortium of 9 cutting-edge international interdisciplinary academic (universities and research centres) and non-academic (a for-profit company and NGO) institutions in the EU and Latin America, Speak4Nature aims to develop new socio-economic instruments and methodologies. legal frameworks to provide a common theoretical and operational basis in the social and environmental sciences to give voice to non-human beings in legal instances, and contribute to the creation of a shared vision towards the treatment of “nature” itself useful for adaptation from the political process to the current ecological situation. In particular, Speak4Nature will aim to: 1) conceptualize environmental justice from a multidisciplinary, intersectoral and international perspective; 2) define why, how and under what influence different social sciences extend moral consideration to non-human nature; 3) map current social and legal techniques to assert the voice of non-human nature; 4) empower the role of civil society and stakeholders in ecological awareness, restoration and climate change litigation; 5) ensure acceptance of project results by developing practical guidelines and training tools on legal techniques and standards for implementing ecological justice principles in disputes over environmental issues.


Financing Entity: European Commission (H2020 Program)

Participating Entities: Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Eastern Piedmont, Ecocastulum S.L., Fundación Hogar del Empleado (FUHEM), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Carlos III University.


Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

  • Violeta Hevia
  • José A. González Nóvoa
  • Mateo Aguado Caso