Considering the social and ecological obsolescence of the conventional agricultural model and the crisis faced by rural areas, alternative models are required that promote food production while conserving the supply of ecosystem services under inclusive and sustainable governance models. parity. This project delves into agroecology from a socio-ecological point of view as a scientific discipline that promotes the sustainability of agroecosystems. The main objective of the proposal is to identify and characterize agroecological initiatives and practices that contribute to a transition from the conventional agricultural model to a model that has an impact on the maintenance of the ecological and social resilience of agricultural systems. The project contemplates five specific objectives: (1) Identify and compile emerging innovative agroecological practices in Spain, (2) evaluate and compare the provision of ecosystem services through measurement of indicators in agroecological and conventional horticultural farms in the Community of Madrid (CM), (3) evaluate in a multidimensional way the degree of agroecological transition of the selected farms in the CM and their capacity to scale their positive impact in the rural environment, (4) explore the role of women in the agricultural sector in the CM, (5) analyze, from the point of view of decision-making, the incidence of the different elements of agroecology in the development of agricultural policies. Thus, the main contribution of the project is to generate knowledge about the transformative potential of agroecological initiatives, incorporating a gender perspective and cooperation between actors from a transdisciplinary vision that integrates approaches from natural, social and agricultural sciences. The proposal is aligned with the UAM strategy for 2025 through the area of environmental sustainability and social commitment; It is also adapted to the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations. Projects in this direction can influence the new Common Agricultural Policy through the incorporation of agroecological practices in agri-environmental aid. The proposal will also serve to consolidate a new line of research titled “Agroecology for the sustainability of socio-ecological systems” in the context of the Socio-Ecosystems Laboratory of the Department of Ecology of the UAM.
The project lasts two years (January 2020-December 2021) and has the participation of 13 researchers from eight entities.
Here we explain what the first phase of SAVIA consists of:
Actions: Identify and compile emerging innovative agroecological practices in Spain:
Help us compile the innovative agroecological initiatives that are underway in the Spanish territory! fill the form
The requirements to fill out the form are: that you consider yourself as an agroecological initiative, develop some activity within the productive sector, and be located in the Spanish state.
Thanks for your time and your help.
Also, you can follow us on Twitter: @SaviaAgroeco
Financing Entity: Community of Madrid. Granting of aid from the 2019 call to R&D projects for young researchers at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Autonomous University of Madrid
Marina García-Llorente
José A. González
César A. López-Santiago
Fatima Franco
other entities:
Berta Martín López (University of Leuphana University Lüneburg)
Gerald Schwarz (Thünen-Institute of Farm Economics)
Irene Iniesta Arandia (ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Federica Ravera (University of Vic- Central University of Catalonia)
Carolina Yacamán (Heliconia S. Coop)
Antonio J. Castro (University of Almería)
Alejandro Benito (IMIDRA)
Violet Hevia (IMIDRA)
Sara Palomo-Campesino (IMIDRA)
UAM Contact: Marina García-Llorente (marina.gllorente @ / sapia.agroecologia @