Projects in progress

Promoting Forest Bioeconomy in mountain socio-ecosystems as a resilient strategy for sustainability and climate change adaptation


Promoting Forest Bioeconomy in mountain socio-ecosystems

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Evaluating the role of landscape mosaics and connectivity-generating structures in ecological restoration projects


Evaluating the role of landscape mosaics and connectivity-generating structures in ecological restoration projects

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Speak4Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches on Ecological Justice


Speak4Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches on Ecological Justice

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GENERA: Agri-food systems from a gender perspective: women, neo-rurals and agroecology.


GENERA: Agri-food systems from a gender perspective: women, neo-rurals and agroecology.

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Sowing Alternatives for Agroecological Innovation


Sowing Alternatives for Agroecological Innovation

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Biodiversity conservation in multifunctional territories through the implementation and scaling of agroecological practices and strategies


Biodiversity conservation in multifunctional territories through the implementation and scaling of agroecological practices and strategies

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Environmental impacts of sports activities on Biodiversity and Ecosystems: management proposals based on scientific knowledge


Environmental impacts of sports activities on Biodiversity and Ecosystems: management proposals based on scientific knowledge

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Co-design of novel contract models for innovative agri-environmental climate measures and valorization of environmental public goods.

Contracts 2.0

Co-design of novel contract models for innovative agri-environmental climate measures and valorization of environmental public goods.

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Completed projects

Conservation and restoration of livestock trails to improve the biodiversity and connectivity of Natura 2000 sites in Spain.


Conservation and restoration of livestock trails to improve the biodiversity and connectivity of Natura 2000 sites in Spain.

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Recognition of agroecology as a model of local agriculture and livestock farming


Recognition of agroecology as a model of local agriculture and livestock farming and a strategy for the design of local agri-food systems

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Evaluation of the Environmental Services of the Green Spaces of the Cantoblanco Campus of the Autonomous University of Madrid


Evaluation of the Environmental Services of the Green Spaces of the Cantoblanco Campus of the Autonomous University of Madrid

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Evaluating the symbiosis between beekeeping and agricultural production for environmental and socioeconomic sustainability


Evaluating the symbiosis between beekeeping and agricultural production for environmental and socioeconomic sustainability

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Assessment of the impact of fishing on marine biodiversity


Evaluation of the impact of fishing on marine biodiversity: an analysis of the dynamics of its food networks in the Natura 2000 Network of Spain.

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Evaluation and mapping of marine ecosystem services in the Natura 2000 Network


Evaluation and mapping of marine ecosystem services in the Natura 2000 Network

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Restoration of Livestock Trails as Green Infrastructure for the conservation of wild bees in areas of the Natura 2000 Network.


Restoration of Livestock Trails as Green Infrastructure for the conservation of wild bees in areas of the Natura 2000 Network.

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Enhancing ecosystems services mapping for policy decision making


Enhancing ecosystems services mapping for policy decision making 

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Assessment of ecosystem service flows along rural-urban gradients


Assessment of ecosystem service flows along rural-urban gradients. Applicability to the socio-ecological planning of the territory.

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Analyzing the reality of high Andean geosystems and ecosystems through social perceptions

Analyzing the reality of high Andean geosystems and ecosystems through social perceptions: an approach to the links between ecosystem services and human well-being in Ecuador

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PollOleGI: Protection of pollinators and ecosystem defects in the SUDOE region: the role of Green Infrastructures in the sustainability of oilseed crops


PollOleGI: Protection of pollinators and ecosystem defects in the SUDOE region: the role of Green Infrastructures in the sustainability of oilseed crops

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Mapping and assessment of the state of ecosystems and their services in the outermost regions (ORP) and in the overseas countries and territories (OTR)


Mapping and assessment of the state of ecosystems and their services in the outermost regions (ORP) and in the overseas countries and territories (OTR)

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Galapagos as a socio-ecological system: new strategies and priorities for biodiversity conservation...

Galapagos as a socio-ecological system: new strategies and priorities for the conservation of biodiversity and human development in the archipelago, within the framework of global change and the theory of complex adaptive systems

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Millennium Ecosystems Assessment Spain

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Science for sustainability in Galapagos: design of a strategy and research agenda for conservation and sustainability...

Science for sustainability in Galapagos: design of a strategy and research agenda for the conservation and sustainability of the archipelago from the integration of social and biophysical sciences

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Operationalisation of Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services: From Concepts to Real-World Applications


Operationalisation of Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services: From Concepts to Real-World Applications

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Previous projects

  • Green infrastructures and human well-being: integrating knowledge, methods and data from ecosystem services assessments in Spain and Norway. 2015. José González; Erik Gómez-Baggethum; Carlos Montes. Autonomous University of Madrid; Norwegian Institute for Nature Research; Autonomous University of Barcelona.
  • Towards a new management model of the socio-ecological system of Doñana based on the links between human well-being and Ecosystem Services. Carlos Montes; Berta Martín-López, Ignacio Palomo. Autonomous University of Madrid.
  • Analysis of the socio-environmental problems in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta ecoregion and development of an adaptive management model with participation of the local community. José González; Carlos Montes; Berta Martín-López. Autonomous University of Madrid; University of Magdalena. [Description]
  • Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in hydrographic basins of Andalusia and its influence on human well-being: Water Ecosystem Services. Marina García-Llorente; Berta Martín-López, Irene Iniesta; Carlos Montes. Autonomous University of Madrid; University of Almería, LAB SA.
  • Economic valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services linked to transhumance in the Cañada Real Conquense: implications for the management of Mediterranean Agrosystems in the context of Global Change. José González; Elisa Oteros-Rozas; Pedro Zorrilla; César López; Berta Martín-López; Carlos Montes. Autonomous University of Madrid; Transhumance and Nature Association.
  • Functional diversity and human well-being: Modeling of the Ecosystem Services-Socioeconomic Structure link in a hydrographic basin of the semi-arid southeast. Berta Martín-López; Marina García-Llorente; Irene Iniesta Carlos Montes; Javier Benayas; M Fe Schmitz. Autonomous University of Madrid; University of Almeria; LAB SL; CONICET-National University of Córdoba.
  • Evaluation of Millennium Ecosystems in Andalusia. 2010-2012.
  • Advanced training in Sustainability Sciences: Strengthening local capacities to manage global change. 2011-2012. Berta Martín-López; José González; Carlos Montes. Autonomous University of Madrid; University of Magdalena; Humboldt Institute.
  • Ecological-distributive conflicts in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta Biosphere Reserve associated with economic development: an analysis of ecosystem services from Political Ecology. 2010. Sandra Villardy. Autonomous University of Madrid; University of Magdalena.
  • Managing national parks beyond their limits: Evaluation and mapping of services as a territorial management tool in the face of global change. 2009-2012. Carlos Montes; José González; César López-Santiago; Paloma Alcorlo; Berta Martín-López; Erik Gómez-Baggethum; Elisa Oteros-Rozas; Irene Iniesta Marina García-Llorente; Ignacio Palomo; Ana Paula García Nieto. Autonomous University of Madrid; Pablo de Olavide University; Water Observatory-Botín Foundation; University of Almeria; INTA; International University of Andalusia.