
The researchers of the Social-Ecological Systems Lab are involved in teaching several official Degrees and Masters, as well as, in various postgraduate university degrees at different universities.

At the Autonomous University of Madrid, we participate in various Undergraduate Degrees:

At the Postgraduate level, we participate in several Master's Degrees:

Official Master's Degree

University Master's Degree

We also collaborate in some Diploma Courses:

PhD Thesis

Teaching Materials

  • Teaching Guide in Sustainability Sciences. Guide prepared by members of the SES-Lab within the framework of the project “Advanced training in Sustainability Sciences: strengthening local capacities to manage global change”, financed by the Center for Studies for Latin America CEAL-UAM. This guide is useful as a textbook for postgraduate courses in Sustainability Sciences and contains a multitude of references and practical exercises for conducting workshops and seminars.
  • Didactic Unit on Livestock Routes. Within the framework of the LIFE-Cañadas project, financed by the LIFE Program of the European Union, we have designed a teaching unit for primary and secondary school teachers and students, on the socio-ecological value of livestock trails in our country and their importance as biodiversity reservoirs and articulating elements of the territory.
  • SPOC Course on Sustainable Development Goals. This course was designed for university teachers, with the aim that they can incorporate sustainability content, transversally, in the teaching of their own subjects.