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Co-design of novel contract models for innovative agri-environmental climate measures and valorization of environmental public goods

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Contracts2.0 seeks contractual solutions that increase the motivation of the agricultural sector to conserve and value environmental public goods and ecosystem services. To this end, we work with farmers and local agents in 11 Contractual Innovation Laboratories (CIL) in different case studies at a regional level in Europe.

CILs bring together research and action experts to design and evaluate innovative models using 4 approaches:

  • Payments by results
  • Cooperative practices
  • Land tenure
  • Value chains

To complement the CILs at a strategic level, Contracts2.0 establishes 9 Innovative Policy Laboratories (PIL) in different European regions, where agents with an impact on public policies apply their knowledge and experience to provide a broader perspective and contribute to the design of proposals. around agro-environmental policies

The project lasts four years (May 2019-April 2023) and has 27 partners (14 research and 13 territorial action) from 12 countries.

To find out more, consult the official website of the project:

Financing Entity: European Commission (H2020 Program)

Participating Entities: In Spain: Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain coordinator), Madrid Institute for Rural, Agrarian and Food Research and Development (IMIDRA) and Heliconia S. Coop. Twenty-seven partners from 12 countries. Main coordinator: ZALF-Germany (Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research).

Autonomous University of Madrid

Marina García-Llorente
Carolina Yacaman-Ochoa
Inés Gutiérrez-Briceño
José A. González
César A. López-Santiago
Carlos Montes

Contact: Marina García-Llorente (marina.gllorente @